Friday, February 26, 2016

Will there be anymore privacy in Apple Products?

As the rise of power for Apple and their rise for demand of their products, it seems that there have been misconception and problems with the federal government and Apple. It seems that the Federal Government is blaming apple for a mass shooting in San Bernardino, California. The reason why the Federal Government is fighting with Apple is because an Iphone was used in the mass shooting. Apple has opposed a federal court order stating that they will not help law enforcement to break into an iPhone. The reason why Apple does’t want to help the U.S. government is because it will be a violating of privacy to the user. The Chief Executive of Apple Tim D. Cook had a shareholders meeting(mostly made of investors) The meeting went well while some of the shareholders stated that we should help law enforcement break into an iPhone security program. Apple has said that the government is stepping over their bounds and quite frankly, i do agree with that. We all like our privacy and well if the government knows how a security software is hacked in an iPhone, then they can access all our data. I like the idea of more companies backing up  Apple in this confrontation with the U.S. Government because it shows that they are willing to fight for the right of privacy not only for them but for their customers. But i think we all have an idea why. Companies like to make money, and how else is a better way than telling them that you will fight for their privacy. It makes me laugh because Apple is probably doing that right now. Mr.Cook actually said that the new products of Apple come with the latest and best security software they have. I understand the circumstances that Apple must be in right now, and i myself am a Apple product consumer and i would hate if the U.S. Government actually could access my information any time they want, while they say its just a one time thing, they already know how to unlock and iPhone and they will keep on doing it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

During this time, it can be hard to figure out solutions to major causes in our lives. In the the news on USA Today, Russian has taken a step forward into this whole war against Syria. The Russian government has air strikes Syria and has destroyed 19 mosques. it seems that it has killed innocent people and religious people on these grounds. The United States want Russian President Bashar Assad to step down form his position before he makes the problem even worse. Assad’s government are leading these attacks on the innocent people because he believes that some civilians in those little villages are rebels that can take part in there 5-year old civil war and he wants to get rid of them.The Pentagon has accused Russian and Syrian aircrafts of the bombings of hospitals in Allepo. Russian has denied everything and say that is the Syria terrorist groups. I would highly encourage you to read this article if you want to learn more about the war that is going right now and what the United States has to say or will respond to this situation.