Friday, April 29, 2016

No I.D,No Voting

Reading this article surprised me because I never thought that almost 600,000 people are not able to vote being of this law. This made me feel very bad for the people that are not able to vote for a President. They live in this country and should be able to vote for whom they want. I understand that the election is getting close and that it may cause some confusion but this means setting back 600,000 people to vote for next time. I just find that so unfair to the people that pay taxes, have a family, and have a job here in the United States. The law could pass and just add the new voters votes into the polls like it’s that simple.  Justice Ginsburg said that this could deny hundreds of thousands eligible voters not to vote because they don’t have the right I.D This will affect mostly the Hispanic and African Americans because these are the races that have more trouble with racial discrimination. The Texas Law had its trouble first when Section5 of the Federal Voting Rights Act, which requires discrimination history to be able to change it, blocked it. After the Shelby County V. Holder in Alabama, Texas official started enforcing the ID Law. There reason for not passing this is because they say it would confuse the poll workers and will change the voting rules because is so close to the election. I don’t know much about how poll workers work or how they do their job but how hard can it be to add the extra incoming voter to the election that is going on. I’m sure the new voter known somewhat about politics and whom they would want as a president.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Is Texas ready to legalize Marijuana?

Marijuana in Texas has always been debated. I have nothing agaisnt marijuana. People have abused it and made it into a bad habit and now its considered a drug. There have been many studies that it has helped patients with cancer,turret syndrome and many more things. They even started given it to young kids for their illness. Texas should legalized since they are losing money in oil. I completely agree that it should be legalized and tax it so Texas can make money off it. The only thing i think should be done is to make rules on people that want to consume marijuana,then it would be a more stable. “We don’t want to take something that’s illegal and is a gateway drug … and increase the use of that.” First of all is not a gateway drug, its a medicine. You can't just say its a gateway drug because there are people using it for medication or stress reliever so you can't put everyone under that category. Everyone is different and they consume it for different reasons. i really enjoyed reading the article and i think it was a great choice. The article didn't focus much on the good sides of marijuana but it made an argument on how it will help the economy get a boost.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Is changing wages a good idea?

There is somethings in this world that are fair and unfair and it can be debatable between people. The fight for raising wages has been around for a long time for lower class people. In case y'all don't see the debates. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have promised to raise wages to $15/hour. Now I know some people are actually thinking is unfair because a Burger King employee will be earning $15/hour and they didn’t go to school or did anything to earn that pay. Well for some people that haven’t worked in fast food, you guys need a reality check. Working in fast food is a tough job and dealing with people problems on a daily basis. Now let’s look at the finical side that the government looks at. If we raise wages that means that things will have in increase in prices, that includes gas,food, and clothes because if companies are increasing their wages and not increasing the prices, they are going to take a major loss in money. Now yes some people that deserve $15/ hour should get that, but it should only be if you prove yourself to be a hard worker and have a good work ethic. It’s a good idea to increase wages but i don't see how it will change from how it is now. We increase wages the outcome is materials that we buy will increase as well. The only thing that is going to change is your pay rate. In my opinion if we do this, we need to have a trial done first to see how this will work nationally because thats the governments issue, they never want to lose. Theres benefits to this idea, but to every idea theres always a different outcome that we don’t think about.