Friday, April 1, 2016

Is changing wages a good idea?

There is somethings in this world that are fair and unfair and it can be debatable between people. The fight for raising wages has been around for a long time for lower class people. In case y'all don't see the debates. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have promised to raise wages to $15/hour. Now I know some people are actually thinking is unfair because a Burger King employee will be earning $15/hour and they didn’t go to school or did anything to earn that pay. Well for some people that haven’t worked in fast food, you guys need a reality check. Working in fast food is a tough job and dealing with people problems on a daily basis. Now let’s look at the finical side that the government looks at. If we raise wages that means that things will have in increase in prices, that includes gas,food, and clothes because if companies are increasing their wages and not increasing the prices, they are going to take a major loss in money. Now yes some people that deserve $15/ hour should get that, but it should only be if you prove yourself to be a hard worker and have a good work ethic. It’s a good idea to increase wages but i don't see how it will change from how it is now. We increase wages the outcome is materials that we buy will increase as well. The only thing that is going to change is your pay rate. In my opinion if we do this, we need to have a trial done first to see how this will work nationally because thats the governments issue, they never want to lose. Theres benefits to this idea, but to every idea theres always a different outcome that we don’t think about.


  1. The question at hand is should the government increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour? Of course the majority of the United States answer is going to be yes. Jesus Tovar wrote in his blog Is changing wages a good idea? that he believes as well that it would be a good idea to increase wages, but he looks at both sides of the matter, why it would be good and why he believes it would not be a good idea to increase them. He brings up the fact that the citizens who work fast food work very hard, and have to deal with a lot just for a small compensation. The other side to the situation is that he feels since the wages would go up so would everything else in the economy, and that a "trial should be done first to see how this would be work nationally". He makes a good argument, but it is not supported with any facts or links that would give evidence to support his opinions. His intended audience is not clear, I feel that it leans towards both sides of the situation, those who are for it and those who are against it. I wouldn't give much credibility, just because I don't believe that everything would be the same if wages increased. Maybe if more information was given as to why he believed that, then I could consider that as being a possibility. But overall a good argument was presented, he gave his opinion and his own experiences to back it up.

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    1. As I had for this assignment to comment on one of my colleague blogs, I read almost everyone's blog and the one that interpellate me is the post of The Truth Of America: Is changing wages a good idea?
      I believe that this question of raising the minimum wages is a very crucial one and that everyone need to give their opinions.
      Jesus Tovar made a very effective and persistent argument in his editorial. However, it is important for me to notify that low wages here would mean wages that can sustain to people’s need. Workers aspire to get wages that will help them fulfill their needs. No one is interested in working somewhere they are likely to receive low incomes. The US purchasing power has declined which make harder for American low wage worker to afford certain commodities; they would have to work for longer hours. My colleague emphasizes the fact that hardworking Americans are the only ones entitled to wages increase, but he does not seem to recognize that the effect of raising minimum wages would have a impact and will make “lazy” people get motivated and work hard.

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