Friday, May 13, 2016

Donald Trump should rethinking his ideas

In my opinion it should not even be build at all. It's a waste of money and a waste of time because it shouldn't even matter. It a waste because it's expensive,hard workers will need to do it and it will not be white people,it would be immigrants and Donald trump is known for having non white people work for them. It's a huge financial problem because the country is already suffering from debt. Donald Trump doesn't see how much this will affect the country. Most of the immigrants have had a huge contribution to the economy. Why target the hard working people? You are punishing them because of their hard work? But it's okay for a white person to go shoot up a school or a movie theater? Why can't they be band to somewhere else? The immigrants aren't always rapist or
Murders. They are hard working people just looking for the "American Dream".

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